Talisker whisky atlantic challenge 2021
Im Dezember 2021 ruderte das Team «SWISS RAW – Atlantik» (Roman Möckli, Ingvar Groza, Jan Hurni und Samuel Widmer) ohne fremde Unterstützung von aussen zu einem rund 5000km langen Ruderrennen über den Atlantik los – Die - The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.
As winners of the race, we arrived in Antigua on 16 January 2022 more than a day ahead of the second-placed team and made history!
Thanks to the support of sponsors and equipment partners, we were able to achieve this common goal and raise CHF 20,000 for the Swiss children's aid organisation Kovive .
Teams in the 2021 race year
Calories burnt per week
million oar strokes rowed
litres of water used per rower/day
kg body weight lost during the crossing as a team
metre-high waves during the crossing
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70 YEARS OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT - KGS DIAMOND offers a wide range of grinding and polishing solutions with premium abrasives such as Diamond, FERRZON®+ and all common premium abrasives. In addition, KGS has unique manufacturing technologies to develop high-tech solutions for EMI shielding, screen printing or multi-colour flocking.